Our History
Fundación Liceo Inglés
Founded in 1986
Liceo Inglés is a private bilingual educational institution, which follows the “Calendar B” school year (August - June). Education at Liceo Inglés is an integral and permanent process that contributes to a student’s formation as a whole child, capable of assuming himself, assuming his own culture and understanding others, by strengthening English-Spanish linguistic competence. The school believes that family is the heart of a student’s development and where this process begins for each child, and is complemented by the school and society.
The Fundación Liceo Inglés (FLI) was established in 1986 as a need for a group of parents from Pereira who wanted a bilingual education, in English, for their children. The school started with 95 families and 96 students.
In 1993 the bilingual program was organized officially and in 1994 certified teachers began to be brought from Canada. Since then teachers from different English-speaking countries have been hired annually.
In 1996 Liceo Inglés applied for the SACS and ACCAS accreditation process, with the support of Colegio Nueva Granada. FLI became the tenth school in the country to receive international accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS/CASI) and the first educational institution in the city to achieve this achievement, which facilitates the linking of graduates to American and internationally renowned universities.
Class number twelve was the first to receive the title of American High School.
This accreditation continues to this day and we know it as Cognia. Since 1990 the school has had its own campus and since then has been committed to a development plan that not only involves the physical plant (classrooms, sports, academic, cultural spaces, etc.), but also growth in academic plans and institutional life. , translated into well-being of the educational community.