Parent Council

Parent Council

Article 19 FLI Hand Book.

In every educational establishment, a Parents' Council must be constituted; In Liceo Inglés, the Council is made up of parents from the different grades, representatives for each course.


A A. Modify its internal regulations. 

B. Contribute with the Rector or Director in the analysis, dissemination and use of the results of the periodic evaluations of competencies and the State Tests. 

C. Require that the establishment, with all its students, participate in the state and competency tests carried out by the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education ICFES. 

D. Support the artistic, scientific, technical and sports activities organized by the educational establishment, aimed at improving the skills of students in different areas, including citizenship and the creation of a culture of legality. 

E. Participate in the preparation of improvement plans and in the achievement of the stated objectives. 

F. Promote training activities for parents aimed at developing accompanying strategies for students to facilitate the consolidation of learning, encourage the practice of extracurricular study habits, improve self-esteem and the atmosphere of coexistence and especially those aimed at promoting the rights of the child. 

G. Promote a climate of trust, understanding, integration, solidarity and agreement between all levels of the educational community. 

H. Submit proposals to improve the Coexistence Manual within the framework of the Constitution and the Law. 

I. Collaborate in activities aimed at promoting the physical and mental health of students, the solution of learning difficulties, the detection of school integration problems and the improvement of the environment. 

J. Elect the parent who will participate in the Evaluation and Promotion Commission. 

K. Present the proposals for modification of the Institutional Educational Project that arise from the parents in accordance with the provisions of articles 14 and 15 of Decree 1860 of 1994.  

L. Elect the two representatives of the parents in the Board of Directors of the educational establishment with the exception established in paragraph 2 of article 9 of Decree 1286/2005. 

PARAGRAPH 1: The rector or Director of the educational establishment obtained all the necessary information so that the Parents' Council can fulfill its functions. 

PARAGRAPH 2: The Parents' Council of each educational establishment will exercise these functions in direct coordination with the rectors or Directors and will enhance the express authorization when assuming responsibilities that commit the educational establishment before other instances or authorities.

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