FLI Profile
Km 5 Vía Cerritos Entrada 17, Pereira, Colombia
Phone: (57-6) 3111610
Código CEEB 92580

Director FLI: Eloísa Rodríguez PhD

Preschool Principal: Lina Figueroa

Elementary Principal: Julio Jiménez

Middle School Principal: Juan Pablo López

High School Principal: Carlos Andrés Mejía
General Characteristics
Fundación Liceo Inglés (FLI) was established in 1986, it is a private school located in Pereira in a suburban area, providing students (K2-12) education with a US oriented college preparatory program and is accredited by both Cognia and the Colombian Ministry of Education.
Liceo Inglés has a clearly defined mission that focuses on the development of values-oriented bilingual leaders. The mission, philosophy, and motto, "Learning to learn, learning to think, and learning to be" guide the curriculum, programs, and focus on the personal development of students.
The average class size is 21 and the maximum class size is 24. The student body is made up of a majority of Colombian students and a small percentage of Colombian-American citizens or dual nationals of other countries. The parents of Liceo Inglés are mostly professionals and business leaders. Those who choose Liceo Inglés for their children are looking for a bilingual program (English-Spanish) based on the opportunities offered by a second language in an increasingly globalized world and a holistic education centered on human values such as respect, responsibility and solidarity.
Liceo Inglés has 85 teachers, including 20 native English speakers and 22 support teachers. The student to faculty ratio is approximately 10 to 1. The support staff consists of 3 full-time counselors, a college counselor, a speech pathologist, and an occupational therapist, the latter being externs. There is also the support of a full-time professional nurse.

Beginning at age 2 in preschool, students are immersed in a language development program, where much of the curriculum is taught in English. Beginning in kindergarten (K5) and elementary school, the core subjects, English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies are taught in English. In addition, students are taught Spanish, religion and ethics, the arts, and physical education in Spanish. The high school curriculum meets rigorous requirements: seven years each of Math, English, Spanish, Social Studies, Physical Education, Religion, and Art; three years of General Sciences, two years of Physics, Biology and Chemistry. Most math and science classes are taught in English, while two years of social studies and Latin American and Spanish literature classes are taught in Spanish. All the students of the Liceo Inglés Foundation receive the Colombian diploma, called Academic Baccalaureate. Those who meet the criteria also receive the US High School Diploma. .

Fundación Liceo Inglés has spacious classrooms, playgrounds and playing fields. There are two updated computer labs and science labs for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. There is a restaurant serving lunch for students and staff. There are also staff work rooms, music rooms, art rooms and an infirmary. Liceo Inglés has excellent sports facilities, including a coliseum with capacity for more than 500 people, outdoor basketball and volleyball courts, and a soccer field.
Added Values
- Model United Nations The FLI actively supports the participation of students in different MUNs (Model United Nations) in the city, the country and, on some occasions, the world. Our students lead their own model, FLIMUN, which is attended by students from other schools in the city and the country.
- We are members of NJHS and the NHS chapter , as another option to offer our students opportunities where they can dedicate themselves to developing social service projects, as well as leadership, character and academic excellence.
- Senior Project : It is a final research project where students explore a topic of interest and propose a practical application or solution to a problem. The Senior project seeks to promote in our students personal growth, creativity, communication, the resolution of real problems and, above all, to be leaders who can transform the world with their learning and know-how. To this end, students present the final product in their final year to the FLI Community in May.
- Saber Tests: Year after year in Colombia's standardized tests, the results are very positive. In 2019 we finished the year in the number one position in the Risaralda region and ranked 47th in the country out of 14,172 institutions. We had the highest scores in the region in critical reading, science, English, and math.
- Extracurricular Activities: We believe in creating opportunities for students to develop leadership skills and develop in the areas that interest them by providing a wide range of extracurricular activities. We have robotics, an Arts Society , music, gardening, drama, yoga, and much more. We also offer a variety of opportunities for students to participate in sports activities such as soccer, volleyball, and basketball that allow them to compete in local and national events.